Help! How Do I Detect When a Client Thread Exits?
Here’s an interesting library writer’s dilemma. In my library (in my case EasyNetQ) I’m assigning thread local resources. So when a client creates a new thread and then calls certain methods on my library new resources get created. In the case of EasyNetQ a new channel to the RabbitMQ server is created when the client calls ‘Publish’ on a new thread. I want to be able to detect when the client thread exits so that I can clean up the resources (channels).
The only way of doing this I’ve come up with is to create a new ‘watcher’ thread that simply blocks on a Join call to the client thread. Here a simple demonstration:
First my ‘library’. It grabs the client thread and then creates a new thread which blocks on ‘Join’:
public class Library
public void StartSomething()
Console.WriteLine("Library says: StartSomething called");
var clientThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
var exitMonitorThread = new Thread(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Libaray says: Client thread existed");
Here’s a client that uses my library. It creates a new thread and then calls my library’s StartSomething method:
public class Client
private readonly Library library;
public Client(Library library)
this.library = library;
public void DoWorkInAThread()
var thread = new Thread(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Client thread says: I'm done");
When I run the client like this:
var client = new Client(new Library());
// give the client thread time to complete
I get this output:
Library says: StartSomething called
Client thread says: I'm done
Libaray says: Client thread existed
The thing is, I really don’t like the idea of all these blocked watcher threads hanging around. Is there a better way of doing this?