Our Story


Just Married

If Instagram Was a Story...

by - April 28, 2014

If Instagram was a story, this one would be mine. (Or the CliffsNotes version anyhow.)

They say a "picture is worth a thousand words". 
As I was scrolling back through many of the images I have taken over the past year, I found that they truly did tell a story of family, friends, big life moments and my favorite things. 

So here is my story in nine images - tiny in size, but full of life. 

1. Hobby Lobby. I just can't get enough. Not only that, but I seem to always find myself in the scrapbooking aisle perusing paper colors, cut outs, embellishments, you name it. Crafting is my stress release. Something about being creative and focusing on creating an end product is gold for me.

2. If you have been reading along, you know that I am getting married...soon! Each week my fiancé and I take part in a marriage course/small group at our church. We not only want to build the foundations for a strong marriage, but one which is rooted in faith with God at the heart.

3. Bella. She is my four-year-old fur ball, cuddle bug and best pal. 
Oh, and did I mention she is incredibly photogenic.

4. Family, Health and Fun. 
Three key themes I try to make time for each and every day. I love it even more when all three come together!

5. I love taking photos of beautiful things. Flowers get me every time. Not to mention, I love a fresh bouquet in the spring and summer in the middle of my kitchen table. Nothing else quite livens up a room in the same way.

6. I love to snack. Three meals a day just doesn't seem to do it for me. I have to have a little nibble or two in between. Fruits, veggies, and granola are some of my favorites.

7. Mexican food is my favorite. Top it off with a crazy, unique flavored margarita and call it heaven.

8. I am a Spanish speaking teacher with an addiction to creating anchor charts. 
(Yes, those are the posters filled with key information you see lining classroom walls.) I love trying to figure out new ways to make them eye-pleasing and effective for students.  Somehow coloring with crayons and markers is still as exciting (if not more) than it was when I was that age.

9. Candles. I may burn my house down someday (knocking on some wood as we speak), but they just smell so good. I love it when the aroma takes over the whole house, and you can tailor the scent to your mood and season.

I'd love for you to follow the rest of my story on Instagram
And feel free to share your Instalinks below so I can be sure to follow yours as well!

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