Our Story


Just Married

Beginning of our Happily Ever After...

by - June 24, 2014

Yes. I realize I have not blogged for more than what I would deem an insurmountable amount of time in blog land. However, the new hubby and I were a little busy with a wedding and honeymoon over these past few weeks, and I truly just wanted to take some time the two of us to soak it all in and get organized before I shared the millions of precious and incredible moments that have occured over the last few weeks with all of you! I needed to wrap my head around it all myself, before I could get all of my thoughts, feelings, and sheer happiness out in writing.

So I thought I would start from the beginning of our blissful wedding festivities (as that seems fitting :)), and share some highlights of our rehearsal day to kick off the string of wedding posts that is about to ensue. Feel free them all or just scan through all of our lovely photos - to be honest, this is a great place for me to document everything myself (so even if no one reads it - it was worth it- as I want to hold on to this feeling and joy that has overwhelmed me over these last few weeks for a lifetime if that's possible.)

To kick off our "wedding eve", one of my very best friend's thoughtful (I don't even think that word describes it enough) mother hosted a bridal brunch for myself and all of my favorite women. It was such a relaxing and intimate way to kick off the weekend. I know I have shared this before, but as we grow older, I cannot tell you how much I cherish the moments that I get to spend with these ladies. It's hard to get everyone together with such busy lives - and I could not have envisioned my weekend starting any other way.
So glad to have 3 generations of women in our little family present.

As well as not only one, but now the two women I have the pleasure of calling "mother".

In all the hubbub of the week, I truly found myself able to relax in this picturesque setting with these girlies, and felt refreshed before the real "craziness" began! I would highly recommend doing something like this for any bride on her wedding day and am so grateful to my friend's mother for recognizing the importance.

And now what you have all been waiting for...here she is folks...isn't she a beaut?

No, it isn't my wedding dress. You will have to wait a tad more for that one. But it is my rehearsal dress, which I must admit I love almost as much. I got it a local shop here in my hometown, and I love it even more knowing it's one-of-a kind.

Below is the handsome groom and I when we arrived at dinner. Doesn't he look quite "dapper" in that bow tie. It was handmade from our dear friend (and groomsman) who recently started a great little handcrafted tie shop called "The Vintage Beau". 

When all of our beloved guests arrived at our dinner locale, they each had one of these little personalized gems waiting for them at the table. Ryan or I wrote a note to each person in attendance, sharing how much they truly mean to us. In writing them, I must admit it was a great way for us to reflect too on how many amazing individuals we have in our lives. Not to mention, they served a double purpose as place cards for the tables so our guests knew where to sit.

I purchased the blank kraft paper cards/envelopes and love stamp at Michaels and the brass fastener flowers for each envelope at Hobby Lobby.

Here are some of those amazing individuals I was telling you about. So blessed to call them our friends.

After a delicious dinner and a few speeches, it was time for a few gifts. Here is a little sampling of what some of the folks received.

That photo will hopefully be replaced with a must less dorky (:)) wedding one.

Our groomsmen received some of their wedding day attire and drink of choice inside cigar boxes we got from our local cigar shops. We thought it'd be a great "manly" way to wrap the gifts, and we found that most shops were willing to give us the boxes at an incredibly cheap rate as they no longer needed them anyway.

Our officiant also received this little guy in his box.

And for my dear friends who so graciously agreed to be my assistants for the day - a little bubbly and pampering to take care of themselves since they went above and beyond to ensure all was taken care of for me.

The adorbs chalkboard wine bag is from Southhouse Boutique and the personalized "Keep Calm I'm the Wedding Planner" cups are from Lylabug Designs.

Our flower girls and ring/sign bearers all got Toms for the big day along with other fun essentials.
I am slightly obsessed with how we decked out the ones for our flower girls. Nothing a little hot glue and pearls can't do.

And for our beautiful mamas to dry their tears the coming day, we found these gorgeous personalized lace handkerchiefs from Joy of Giving.

Having the opportunity to not only eat dinner, but spend time and share with our loved ones just how much their love means to us brought me to tears as well (literally). 
We thank God each and every day for all of them.

And to conclude the evening...a shot with my beautiful bridesmaids, who started the day with me bright and early that next morning and stood by my side throughout. 

Next post- Wedding Day Part 1.

Oh...and did you notice the change in my signature :). No longer the "future" Mrs. Happ.

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