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Just Married

Bucket List Adventures // Cooking Class

by - March 10, 2015

A few weeks back the hubs and I embarked on another bucket list adventure- a cooking class.

Now let me start by saying we are pretty much like twiddle cee and dee when it comes to cooking. While we do cook nearly every night and with much luck it turns out edible, we are definitely lacking a great deal of "good" technique. 

So where better to develop some mad chef skills than "Cooking School", right?
We thought so.

We sought out a local cooking school and signed up for a brunch making class for couples.

We learned how to chop, squeeze, and pan flip like pros.

This Spanish tortilla was our proudest contribution.

Lemon frittata pancakes and chicken apple sausage.
Is your mouth watering yet?

And to top it off, no brunch would be complete without berry and nutella crepes.

Bon appetit!

While it can be a bit of a pricier date, if you are up for a little adventure, practical learning and a full belly, a cooking class may be a great fit for you and your spouse. 

Most larger cities have cooking schools at a variety of locations.

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