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Just Married

Healthy Summer Festival Date

by - August 23, 2015

Yesterday the mister and I took advantage of the nice weather and a day off together to attend the Chipotle Cultivate Festival in our area. One thing I loved about this festival (in addition to the free entrance) is that while the majority of summer fairs and fests tend to host a slough of fried and processed goodies till' the eye can see, this one could not have been more opposite. The purpose of the festival, while certainly to entertain guests, is also to educate attenders on the choices we make to nourish our bodies. The teacher in me just couldn't help but delight in this opportunity for fun and learning. And apparently I wasn't alone (see photo below), as this place was happenin'.

When we entered the festival, we received a map and guide to help us navigate around the different exhibits that were set up throughout. Topics ranged from a look at ingredients in fresh vs. processed foods to responsible farm practices to how Chipotle makes their guacamole. As you visit each exhibit, you receive a stamp. Visit 4 of the 5 and you receive a coupon for a free burrito, bowl or salad at any of their restaurants. Motivation, wrapped up neatly in a tortilla, if you ask me.

In addition to food and exhibits, there was also a Kids Zone for the kiddies to paint, draw, create t-shirts, eat and play, and two stages set up - one with bands that played throughout the day and the other with local chefs sharing their secrets. Another area that was one of my personal favorites was a local artisan tent that housed deliciousness straight from our city. You better believe we had to sample some all natural frozen goodness.

Oh' and lets not forget to mention (as I know you were all dying to know), mission free burrito was accomplished all. I foresee a free date night in our near future.

Do you and your significant other enjoy a good festival and healthy eats? Check out the Chipotle Cultivate website to learn more about this event and/or feel free to seek out other healthy festival locales that may suit your fancy in your area by reading The 38 Best Healthy and Happy Festivals.

*The thoughts and ideas shared in this post are solely my own and based on my own experience. I was not reimbursed in any way for this post or its content.

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