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Just Married

How to Score a New Fall Wardrobe for Under $40

by - September 07, 2015

It was a yearly tradition when I was a child to go back-to-school clothes shopping. My mother would always take us during those last few weeks of August, and it was an event that I looked forward to and anticipated as a "kick off" to the year.

That desire and love for fall wardrobe shopping has not changed. However, these days mom no longer pays, and the husband and I are currently on quite the strict financial savings plan.

So what's a girl to do?

Well, I gave myself a budget of $40 and challenged myself to see what I could do with it. I had a bag I had been meaning to take to our local Goodwill for a while, and thought why not start there? Particularly because when you make a donation to Goodwill, they give you a coupon for 25% your purchase at their stores. This had the potential of taking my tiny budget even further. Two Goodwill stores later along with a little time, a little digging and a little luck, I managed to find 10 new gently loved fall pieces to add to my wardrobe and kick off my school year in style.

I managed to find everything from skirts to scarves, business to comfort (I think the lounge pants were my favorite find) for only $38.00. Yes, you heard it right $38.00 (this included rounding up a few cents at the cash register for charity). Friends, I could have purchased one sweater for this price at my favorite retail store, but instead I scored 10 different items.

If you like the thrill of a good hunt - thrifting is for you.
If not, then it may still be for you if you have a budget like mine. At least give it a try.

Update: I showed my husband all my finds, and he promptly decided he wanted to go back-to-school shopping as well. I insisted we go back and try Goodwill first, before anything else, this afternoon, and a few sweaters, tees, button downs and a Calvin Klein suitcoat later, I am pretty sure he is their next loyal customer. His fashion show photos up next week ;).

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