Our Story


Just Married

Birthday Card Keepsake Book

by - March 10, 2014

I have legitimately had a stack of birthday cards sitting on my coffee table for the past two weeks - staring at me and daring me to recycle them.

If we are being truly honest, isn't that usually what ends up happening? As much as you want to hold on to them (and the truly special ones I do), eventually they end up in the recycle bin, which makes me sad as I know my friends and family took the time and effort to get me a card and write a special little note.

Thus, no more. This year's cards have a much happier fate. And the end product will look much better then a sad stack on my table!

I have run across a few of these keepsake book ideas a time or two for Christmas and Birthday cards, and I thought it may be just what I was looking for to hold on to my cards in a much more eye-pleasing manner.

You can create one of these little readers in a variety of ways. I have seen many use binder rings, which  would most certainly work. I decided to use gift wrap ribbon in bright, fun colors. Also, for the cover, I went the green route and used the box lid (pictured in the bottom left corner) from some delicious chocolate covered strawberries Ryan and I devoured last night!

To create my cover, I gathered my scrapbooking supplies and set to work. I created my image in Powerpoint and then backed it/covered the lid with scrapbook paper. I then attached some pastel colored brads and flower to add some dimension.

I hole punched each of the cards with a three-hole punch and then selected three different colored ribbons to string through.

Finally, I tied up the ribbons and curled them to give my book a bit of a gift wrapped effect.

I am hoping to create more books like this with my family and my cards in the future. What a great keepsake that you can cherish for years to come to remember those who took the time to think of you on your special day!

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