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Just Married

Engagement Photo Ideas: Fun, Memorable, Unique to You!

by - March 13, 2014

I absolutely love and cherish our engagement photos.

We had so much fun taking them, and not only was it a memorable experience for us both, but I am thrilled with how they captured the essence of us as a couple.

While I am by no means close to being an expert on the subject, I thought I'd share some of the things with you today that worked well for us in the process.

1.) Before you head out, gather ideas for inspiration. 
Prior to the morning of our engagement session, I put together an entire Pinterest board of photo ideas and shared it with our photographer. This gave her an idea of what types of looks we were hoping for and gave us a great starting point to build on throughout the shoot.

2.) Work with a photographer that brings out the best in you. 
We were lucky enough to have a close friend of ours do our shoot, and she not only brought great ideas to the table, but made us feel completely comfortable in being ourselves throughout the entire process.
Thank you MKWebb - we appreciate it.

3.) Plan out coordinating outfits, yet not matching.
I had three different outfits that I wore for our session. One dressy, one casual, and one that I'd deem an in betweener. We worked hard to find outfits for Ryan that complemented the style and colors, without entering identical twin territory.

4.) Shoot in a few different settings, keeping in mind what you plan to use the photos for.
We took some of our photos in a downtown city setting and others in more of a prairie, woodland area.
I love the contrast between the settings and they served beautifully for different purposes. 

One of our city images was the perfect backdrop for our Christmas card this year.

While those set in more of a natural setting go hand-in-hand with our wedding feel and were perfect for our website and Save-the Dates.

5.) Utilize props that add character and reflect you as a couple.
I took some time before our shoot to create/purchase a few items that I hoped would bring a unique touch to some of our images.

I got these mini chalkboards at Hobby Lobby for $4.99 and jazzed them up with a few baby pennants.

Love this "picture within a picture" look. And it was so simple too. Frame + Flower  = Magic. And we are reusing the frame at our wedding!

Since Ryan and I first started hanging out way back when, we have had a tradition of taking hot chocolate/cappuchino walks for hours just chatting and enjoying one another's company. We wanted to bring that tradition into our shoot. (It didn't hurt that it was quite the chilly fall day - and that hot beverage never tasted so good!)

6.) Get up close and personal.
There is something so touching about the shots that focus on the details.

7.) Request some photos in different color variations.
Some the neatest photos we have are those that are nearly void of vibrant color. I feel like these images really hone in on us as a couple with a bit less background noise.  

8.) Grab a blanket!
Not only does a blanket scream "picnic", "romantic", the list goes on... but it also gives you the chance to sit or lay down on the ground without getting all dirty.

9.) Enjoy yourselves.
My favorite photos are the ones where Ryan and I were just being goofy and enjoying the moment. After all, the reason you are taking the photos in the first place is to celebrate how happy the two of you make one another!

Yes, yes we were reanacting Jack and Rose.

As I said, can't go wrong with a blanket ;).

Best of luck on your shoot, and remember the most important thing is to enjoy yourselves. 
Trust me, it will shine through in your photos!

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