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Just Married

7 Not-So-Obvious Reasons to go on a Run

by - January 24, 2015

Today I took advantage of this oddly warm January day and went for a morning run with my favorite furry companion. While running, I couldn't help but be reminded of how much I love getting outdoors and going wherever it is my legs decide to take me. I began to think about all of the reasons I truly enjoy a good run and here is where my thoughts lead me.

1. It gives me a chance to explore different surroundings. You can really run just about anywhere.
2. It is great, uninterrupted think time. Some of my best ideas come to me while on a jog.
3. It is free. No gym costs or equipment needed.
4. It is wonderful stress relief. After a hard day's work, when the couch is calling my name, nothing energizes me like a quick jot around the neighborhood.
5. It provides for great bonding opportunities. I love running and catching up with my husband or girlfriends.
6. It makes me a better pet owner. I love seeing my dog's little eyes light up when I ask her if she wants to come along. 
7. It encourages goal setting. Whether I am training for a race or simply working to up my mileage, there is always something I can strive to improve.

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